• about a 50% longer cycle time • more than double the cycle distance • 131 km/h – higher maximum speed • 47 km/h – higher average speed • half the idling time
Legend to the map:
Green - European Union (28 countries)
Light grey – other 4 European countries (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland)
Black - Candidate countries: Turkey (WLTP applies for imported vehicles; for locally produced vehicles NEDC applies), Israel and outlying EU regions (still unclear): Réunion Island, Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, St. Martin, Mayotte
Dark grey - Partial implementation: South Korea, Japan (WLTP without “extra-high” test cycle phase), India, China (CO₂ emissions only, NEDC is used for consumption figures)
• about a 50% longer cycle time • more than double the cycle distance • 131 km/h – higher maximum speed • 47 km/h – higher average speed • half the idling time
WLTP requires a higher test mass for vehicles (15% of the maximum payload of the vehicle).
WLTP takes additional equipment into account, e.g. bigger wheels, GPS, and spoilers. This influence on CO₂ and consumption is measured by the impact the equipment has on rolling resistance, aerodynamics and weight.